Consistent code ordering

The best way to help developers on your team read code quickly is to establish consistent practices. When reviewing code that follows consistent practices, a developer can literally review code as quickly as he can scroll down the change list. This is because repeated behaviors and approaches have already been reviewed. The reviewer already knows the why/how/where of consistent practices.

One area to achieve consistency is in the ordering of repeated code elements. Here are some order rules for you to employ throughout your codebase.

High level to low level

Most code is read by developers who didn't write it. When reading code that you didn't write, you're not yet aware of what code is written. You don't know how the problem is broken down. In fact, you may not yet be aware of the problems that the code solves.

To help readers learn as much about your code as quickly as possible, write it from high level to low level.

The following example shows an entrypoint file that's written from high level to low level.

void main() {

class MyFlutterApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyFlutterApp();
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        body: MyPage(),

class MyPage extends StatefulWidget {/* */}

The same principle applies between methods in a class. When Method A calls Method B, Method A should be defined before Method B. When Method A calls multiple methods, like Method B and Method C, those other methods should be defined in the same order that they're called.

Future<void> generateSite() async {
  await _loadPagesAndAssets();
  await _renderPages();
  await _writePagesAndAssetsToFiles();

void _clearDestination() {
  final destination = _findDestinationDirectory();
  // ...

Future<void> _loadPagesAndAssets() {/* */}

void _indexPages() {/* */}

Future<void> _renderPages() {/* */}

Future<void> _writePagesAndAssetsToFiles() {
  // ...
  final destination = _findDestinationDirectory();
  // ...

Directory _findDestinationDirectory() {/* */};

Static members above instance members

Static members belong to the class, and instance members belong to individual instantiations of the class. These are different types of objects, used for different purposes. Keep your static members at the top of the class and place all instance members below them.

class UserSession with ChangeNotifier {
  static UserSession? _instance;
  static UserSession get instance {
    _instance ??= UserSession._();
    return _instance!;
  bool isAnonymous => _user == null;
  User? get user => _user;
  User? _user;
  Future<User?> signIn() {/* */}
  Future<void> signOut() {/* */}

Factories, then named constructors, then the default constructor

Factory constructors use regular constructors internally. Following the high level to low level policy, factory constructors should appear above other constructors.

Named constructors, representing specialized versions of the default constructor, should be declared above the default constructor.

class Document {
  factory Document.fromMarkdown(Strig markdown) {/*...*/}
  Document.withSingleParagraph(String paragraph) : nodes = [/*...*/];

Properties below constructors

As per Dart style guidelines, declare properties below constructors.

class MyClass {
  final String property1;
  final double property2;
  final bool property3;

Stateful widget methods

Stateful widgets accumulate quite a few responsibilities. They have properties, lifecycle methods, interaction methods, and build methods. You should define them in that order. Additionally, you should define lifecycle methods roughly in the order that they are called, so that the reader can quickly observe lifecycle changes in the order that they'll happen at runtime.

class _MyWidgetState extends State<MyWidget> {
  late final AnimationController _animationController;
  User? _user;
  void initState() {/* */}
  void didChangeDependencies() {/* */}

  void didUpdateWidget(MyWidget) {/* */}

  void dispose() {/* */}
  void _onUserLoaded() {/* */}

  void _onButtonPressed() {/* */}

  void build() {/* */}

Private build methods below public build method

Long widget trees are almost impossible to review. You shouldn't write long widget trees. There are two ways to break up a long widget tree. You can extract entirely new widgets, but this moves the extracted code further away from where you need it. Or, you can decompose a single build method into multiple build methods within the same State object.

In general, you should prefer decomposing one build method into multiple build methods so that you avoid long convoluted trees, but you also keep the relevant code close to where it's used.

When you breakout smaller build methods, those build methods should be private, they should be named effectively, and they should appear below the public build() method, roughly in the order that they are called.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Scaffold(
    appBar: _buildAppBar(),
    body: _buildContent(),
    drawer: _buildDrawer(),

PreferredSizeWidget _buildAppBar() {/* */}

Widget _buildContent() {/* */}

Widget _buildDrawer() {/* */}
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